The Father’s Legacy

What is a Father’s love? A simple question or maybe not so simple.

I was floating in the pool today and I started thinking about family and my Father. The question I pondered, just what makes a good Father? What creates that bond between dad and child. Does being a good Father and creating a bond with your children just come naturally or do you have to work on it? Having an analytical mind, sometimes I tend to think deeper into thoughts and weigh the good and bad more than I should however, I believe that being a good Father does not just happen. Some say a Mother’s love for her children is much more than a Father’s love, since the Mother had carried and nurtured her child/children before birth. I am not taking anything away from a Mother’s love because it is true, there is an unmistakable bond between Mother and child. The Father also has a bond with his children that is so often overlooked. No the Father didn’t carry the child for nine months but we often overlook all the times he made special accommodations for his wife, understanding and working through her mood swings, taking on extra work around the house, giving many words of encouragement along the way, providing extra protection for her and the child. The Father’s bond does start the same as the Mother’s just in a different way. But what about stepfather’s?

I believe that a good Father whether it be his own or adopted or as a step-Father, begins with a commitment of raising children with set standards and morals already being practicing by himself. The bond begins with the Father by respecting and teaching the child to respect by example. Teaching between right and wrong according to God’s word, spending quality time (not always quantity) teaching how to respect and treat women, showing love when the world tells you to hate. Showing how to be a good listener and being slow to anger. Being willing to admit when you are wrong and saying the words, “I am sorry”. Acknowledging that you don’t have all the answers but are willing to seek and find them. There are many others but these are all good traits for being a good Father.

I have two boys, (men now) by marriage. Though legally they are my step-sons, I have always thought of them as my own and call them my sons. I have tried to be an example of what a good Father should be. I have not always succeeded and have made many mistakes along the way. I have watched them grow into Men and become Father’s themselves, passing down to their children the lessons they learned when they were young. I have three beautiful grand daughters, whom are now being taught by some of the same standards that were set when my boys were young. Being a Father and creating a bond with your children is more than a task. It is a lifetime commitment, hard work, many tears, unselfishness, willing to find and give time even when you don’t have any and to deny yourself for their behave. Being a Father is an awesome responsibility and you are creating a legacy that will be carried down for generations to come. It is extremely scary, that you are setting the standards and morals for your children, children’s children and their children by your examples of a Father. You are setting a Father’s Legacy!

The best example and guide for being a good Father is already written out for you to follow. Pick up the bible and just start reading. Inside, you will find all the examples of what a good Father is and how to be one.