Make the Most of Your Day

Each day is a gift from God and today is no exception. God made this day. Be joyful and glad b in the day. Focus on the good today and encourage it, even add to it. And always remember you are never ever alone in it, God walks every step with you and never leaves […]

Make the Most of Your Day

Debating Yourself

Since tonight is the debates (and no, I am not talking to you about politics- I think most people are already decided to vote for either babies being murdered in the womb via Biden and evil socialists or babies being allowed freedom to live via Trump and co.-), it got me thinking about my debate […]

Debating Yourself


Very few people are great at something immediately. I was reminded of that by my piano student today. She did a good job of her few notes and asked me to play something. “How did you get so good?” “Practice!” Most of us want to be good at something but few want to put in […]



Friday my son, daughter in-law and my oldest grand daughter came by in the morning and dropped of their puppy for my wife and I to watch for the weekend. The puppy just happens to be the brother of our puppy Brandi. My eldest grand daughter is a senior in high school this year and has picked out 6 colleges she wanted to visit that had invited her to attend next year.

It is really hard to imagine that time has past so quickly. I can easily recall the 17th of June in 2003 a call from my son with a limp in his throat, tears in his eyes saying she’s beautiful. My wife and I were at the hospital the next day for the excitement and reality check as we became 1st time grand parents.

Our son was right. She is beautiful but not just on the outside, but also inside as well. She was brought up in the saving knowledge of Christ. Our grand daughter has a beautiful spirit and her love for God will guide her through this next chapter in her young adult life.

Being a parent or step parent (in my case) we have been charged by God to bring up children our boys, in Gods Saving Grace. If we honor God he will always send blessings down to us. Parenting is a serious job. There are many joys, but there are also times when we must use tough love. Tough love is hard to do with most times making us feel like we have reached down and pulled our heart out of our chest. But in the end the rewards far outway the pain at the time.

I remember reading in Gods word though I can’t recall were it is at this moment that the sins of the father will carry down into generations. I believe that to be so true.

By depending on Christ as my wife and I raised to boys using at times tough love and praying daily for them, God has blessed us 7 score with all of our 4 grand daughters.

It matters immensely the lessons you teach with Gods wisdom to your children. By giving them to God, teaching them in Gods truths, they will carry on and pass Gods blessings down to the next generations.


I love America, and I am also very fortunate to be born here in the United States. I have to remind myself that I live in the most free and prosperous country in the world. My rights in America were paid for with blood of my fore fathers who fought to keep us from the terany of other nations who wanted to control all aspects of our life’s.

I am a son of a Vet, I have 2 brother-inlaws that are vets that all gave of their time to fight for our freedoms. We are a nation of great wealth and it does not matter what political party you associate with, God crested us all.

In our great country of America, we have the right to vote. Its not a privilege but a civic duty to do so to elect a President to lead our great nation. Along with this awesome duty, it is our responsibility to look at issues from all sides and vote for the candidate that best represents closest to how believe or were we would like to see the country go.

There are many issues to consider in this years elections. Abortion-pro life or pro choice, free health care or health care that we can choose. Do we want more government programs or less. These are just a few. You have the right to vote on the candidate that best meets your ideas. I am not going to sway or belittle anyone on the way they vote. Its your choice and whomever becomes President for the next 4 years I will pray for them and ask God to guide them.

Whatever party you associate with, please vote. It is a right given to us as Americans and voting is our civic duty. We need to pray asnd ask for guidance, pray for both candidates and also accept the results. We all might have different views on which way the country should be ran, but remember as Born again Christians we serve only One God. Our One True King.

God Provides

When I am needing something, I humbly pray and give it to God and God provides. When I am concerned about someone or something, I humbly pray and give it to God and God provides. When someone in my family causes me stress and sadness, I humbly pray and give it to God and God […]

God Provides


We have to wait for many things. We can heat up food in just a few minutes, but most waits, like the DMV or soccer practice or package deliveries or birthdays or saving up for anything big. Sometimes we have to wait for healing. Sometimes we have to wait for something unpleasant to stop. Sometimes […]
